Saturday, December 5, 2009

Being stamped into little disks with Agamemnon's face and titles on them; convenient since you didn't have to weigh the silver and it spread his fame widely. A year ago he wouldn't have.

Duties required. The four turboprop engines hummed along with their accustomed reliability giving the aircraft a steady high-pitched vibration that transmitted itself through the comfortable highbacked seats and created standing circular ripples in their Styrofoam coffee cups. All in all the atmosphere was one of total normality. But anyone seeing the exterior of the aircraft could tell different. This aircraft belonged to the 99th Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron. Beyond.
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And nuances and background assumptions don't work. You need it whenever nuances don't work. But Motie language is inflections and body language and even scent and any of that might have to be dropped for a telephone or pressure suits or video with a bad connection. The weird thing is just how easily these Moties use what they can and drop everything else. It isn't just the flexibility of the trade language. They generally have to create a trade language on the spot. " Chris saw goblin ears focused on him and wondered how much they would understand. How much he understood. "We're watching a parallel here. Ali Baba not yet at the age of reason clearly understands the concept called Fyunch(click) in the Mote Prime language. We're watching him learn both Anglic and the new pidgin simultaneously and in hours he has learned.
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